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National-Reactionarism (Khozhlodian: Национал-реакционизм), is a right-wing ideology charachterized by nationalism, reactionary ideals, autocratic rule, militarism, traditionalism, and somewhat by religion. The ideology came to prominance during the Khozhlodi Civil War, as a result of the Sevastok Coup and the rise of the National Reactionary Party of Khozhlod to power and the formation of the Reactionary Government of Khozhlod

The ideology was first created by Vladimir Storkovich sometime in 1917 as a counter-thesis to Communism, which became increasingly popular among common soldiers, who grew ever more distrusting of the policies of the Khozhlodi State, which bu that time, resulted in several defeats, and made the impression that the "death of the nation" is coming near, after the coup, the reactionary government scored it's first major victory in the Fist battle of Morogrd, and would go on to win the war.

As of today, Nationa-Reactionarism is the offical state-ideology of Kozhlod and it's government, and dictates every state-policy.








See Also